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Historical data comes with its own software so you can mange the formats, directories and amount of History to load.


We allow our users to select which adjustments they want applied to their historical database/s.
The Events section in Bodhi History gives you six selections: Structural; Distribution; Dividend; Capital; Contracts & Demergers. By default, all of these except Dividend are selected.
These selections create a universal change to all the formats you download and every Exchange you have selected. However, the distribution section in Bodhi History still gives you the ability to turn-off all adjustments on a individual directory. Therefore, giving you the choice of having some directories adjusted and some unadjusted.

Bodhi History adjusts data for the following reconstructions:

Selection Reconstruction Description
Structural Stock Split A reduction in the value of shares, which increases the number of issued shares in a corporation. A four to one split would see an investor that had 100 shares @ $4 each before the split now have 400 shares @ $1 each after the split. The total price of his investment would be unchanged.
Stock Consolidation The company reduces the number of issued shares, which results in an increase in the value of the shares. 400 shares @ $1 each before the consolidation becomes 100 shares @ $4 each after the split.
Stock subdivision of no par value A Stock Split of no par value
Complex Capital Change An event can be classed as a complex capital change when there is more than one event passed for a company on the same day. This may be due to multiple companies merging, resulting in the distribution of different securities to shareholders.
Distribution Rights issue in same stock An offer of extra shares in the same stock, given to an existing shareholder. Shares are generally offered below the current price to raise money for the company. These offers lapse unless
renounceable A rights offer giving the share holder the ability to sell or transfer their right to the shares.
Rights issue in different stock An offer of extra shares in a different stock, given to an existing shareholder.
Non-renounceable rights issue in same stock A rights offer in the same stock that can be taken or forfeited. It cannot be traded on the market.
Non-renounceable rights issue in different stock A rights offer in a different stock that can be taken or forfeited. It cannot be traded on the market.
Scrip issue in same stock or Non-renounceable scrip issue in same stock Shares in the same stock that are issued free (bonus) to the existing shareholder. A company may make a scrip issue as an alternative to increasing its dividend payout. New shares are issued to shareholders in proportion to their holdings (ie. One bonus share for every five shares held).
Scrip issue in different stock or Non-renounceable scrip issue in different stock Shares in a different stock that are issued free (bonus) to the existing shareholder.
Dividend Cash Dividend This is the cash amount paid in dividends to each ordinary shareholder for each share held for the financial year. To be entitled to a dividend the shareholder must have purchased shares before the ex dividend date.
Scrip Dividend A dividend paid in the form of new shares rather than cash.
In the U.S.A. a scrip dividend is a common way to implement a stock split. You should select this event type if you download AMEX, NASDAQ or NYSE.
Stock Dividend in different stock A dividend paid in the form of additional shares in a subsidiary company.
Capital Return of Capital A distribution of cash resulting from depreciation tax savings, the sale of capital asset or securities, or any other transaction unrelated to retained earnings.
Write-up of Capital A revaluation of an asset downwards (upwards).
Write-off of Capital To charge an expense or cost of as asset to profit. Also called charge off.
Unspecified Capital Change event
Contracts Future Contract Swap This only effects future continuous contracts. Every time the contract changes an adjustment is passed to make the swap-over smoother.
Demerger Stock Dividend in same stock A dividend paid in the form of additional shares in the company.
Rescinded Capital change Reconsidered capital change event.

    To select or de-select these, do the following:
  1. Open Bodhi History from your CD/USB.
  2. Click on the Custom button so the Distribution window is displayed.

    Bodhi History: Click the Custom Button

  3. Click on the directory you want to make changes to.

    Bodhi History: Adjustments

    Note: The directories that are greyed out are currently not updating. If you want to activate a directory (for a format you have ticked), select it then tick the Status Active box.
  4. Locate the Events section on the Configure tab.
  5. Tick the events you want adjusted and deselect any you don't.
  6. Exit [x] the Distribution window and click the Load button. You will need to load this updated structure to new folders.