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These videos and picture tutorials will show you how to correctly set up and get the most out of the Bodhi6 software.
Click on images in a tutorial to enlarge them.



If you are a new Bodhi6 user or you are on the 30-day trial, follow these directions for configuring the software.

Configuring Bodhi6 as a new or trial client
  1. Install Bodhi6 using these installation instructions.
  2. Once installed, launch Bodhi6. If this didn't happen automatically when you finished installation click the Bodhi6 icon on your desktop.
  3. Enter your details including email address and computer name then click the OK button.

    Bodhi6: Enter your contact details
    Bodhi6 can be installed on 2 computers with the same Registration details so it is important to give them individual Machine names.

  4. Click the Register button to add your registration details.

    Bodhi6: Register Bodhi6

    If you haven't received these details, click the Contact button and phone the number on the screen.

    Bodhi6: Contact JustData

  5. Enter your registrations details provided by JustData. Connect to the Internet then click the OK button.

    Bodhi6: Register Bodhi6

    Bodhi6 will fetch your registration key from the JustData server.

    Bodhi6: Fetching Bodhi6 registration key

  6. If you have entered the details correctly a window will appear saying you are Registered. Click OK to continue.

    Bodhi6: Registered

  7. If you have previously used or trialed Bodhi and want to use the same settings (formats/directories), click the Yes button then go to step 10. Otherwise click the No button and go to the next step.

    Bodhi6: Use previous Bodhi versions settings

  8. The analysis software screen will be displayed.

    Bodhi6: Analysis Software or formats

  9. Choose the software or format you require by ticking the appropriate box then click the x in the corner of the window.

    Bodhi6: EzyChart 7 Format

    You can click multiple formats if you have more than one charting/portfolio management software you wish Bodhi6 to update.

    Bodhi6: Insight Trader Format

  10. Bodhi6 is now configured to download your chosen data into the charting/portfolio management software format/s you've selected.

    Bodhi6: Configuration complete

  11. Click the Catchup button to get the current data or click here for instructions on downloading historical data.

    Bodhi6: Click the Catchup button to download data

    If you are trialling the software click the Close button to continue downloading data.
    *If your antivirus displays a message, you need to allow for Bodhi6 data to download.

Data Selected
Bodhi6 is now configured to download the Stock Exchange/s you have purchased as an annual subscription or you have chosen to download whilst on trial.
Bodhi6: Selected data products

Software Formats
Bodhi6 is compatible with a variety of charting and portfolio management software. The selections you made in step 9 (above) will determine which software formats Bodhi6 will export data into. Some charting software uses the same format. For example: TradeStation, AmiBroker and OmniTrader all use the MetaStock format.

If you get new charting software in the future you can select a new format by clicking on the Configure button, on the main screen, then ticking the new format on the left panel.
Bodhi6: Software data formats

Data Directories/Folders
Bodhi6 installs automatically to default directories. The default directories for the different formats are:
  • Almanac ➜ c:\Data\Almanac\%SOURCE%
  • Ascii/Csv ➜ c:\Data\AsciiCsv\%SOURCE%
  • BodhiOne (Options) ➜ c:\Data\BodhiOne\%SOURCE%\Options
  • BodhiOne (Stocks) ➜ c:\Data\BodhiOne\%SOURCE%\Stocks
  • EzyChart7 (EzyChart version 6 or higher) ➜ c:\Data\UltraEzy\%SOURCE%
  • EzyChart5 (EzyChart version 5 or less) ➜ c:\Data\EZY\%SOURCE%
  • EzyChart4 (EzyChart version 4 or less) ➜ c:\Data\EzyChart\%SOURCE%
  • Market Analyst ➜ c:\Data\Market Analyst\%SOURCE%
  • MetaStock ➜ c:\Data\MetaStock\%SOURCE%
  • MetaStock (Alpha) ➜ c:\Data\MetaStock\%SOURCE%\%ALPHA%*
  • MetaStock (GICS) ➜ c:\Data\MetaStock\%SOURCE%\%GICS2%*
  • Trading Blox ➜ c:\Data\TradeBlox\%SOURCE%

Bodhi6: Distribution Screen

So that you don't have to create a separate entry for each Exchange you download, Bodhi6 uses wildcards. These wildcards are replaced when the data is exported to the format. The following wildcards are a few of the ones permitted in Bodhi6:

This will be replaced by the three-letter Exchange code. For example: Data from the Australian Securities Exchange will be put in an ASX directory (c:\Data\AsciiCsv\ASX) where data from the New Zealand Exchange will be put into an NZE directory (c:\Data\AsciiCsv\NZE).
This will be replaced by the market name. For example: Equity market data will be put into an Equity directory (c:\Data\UltraEzy\Equity) where as Indexes will be put into an Indice directory (c:\Data\UltraEzy\Indice).
This will be replaced by alphanumeric directories. This means that directories from 0 to 9 and A to Z are created. Symbols that trade on the Australian Securities Exchange beginning with the letter B (i.e. BHP) are placed into a c:\Data\MetaStock\ASX\B directory.
This will be replaced by the GICS (Global Industry Sector) name. For example all Australian Securities Exchange symbols that make up the Banks sector will be placed into a c:\Data\MetaStock\ASX\Banks directory.

You can choose to use our default directories or you can make your own. Bodhi6 gives you full control over the drive the directories and the groups of information you want to update.